
Designing a Lesson Plan  It is funny that me and my colleagues were nervous with the microteaching, as we plan and teach everyday; in my case for five years and for others more than ten years teaching, an as we know that we are going to be observed and scored, we feel as begginers. I found that effective teachers design lessons that are staged in ways that scaffold the content, balance accuracy and fluency work, and provide stepping stones to learning objectives, in my personal opinion we as teachers we have to direct our students to be accurately and appropriacy and finally fluency,  I associate this with the fact of learn how to drive a car, at the very beginning you are afraid about it and only focus on apply what was though, later through the practice, you are able not only to drive well but also you can do one more activity at the same time, as having a conversation or calling on the phone that confidence is the result of the accuracy and fluency of the task.
Arkansas and the listening Skills I used to manage the listening skills as Cambridge examination format, students have to listen two times and answer questions about what the conversation was about however,   during my training in Arkansas, I have observed a real context, where we are exposed to the real context, real conversations which only are able to listen once, this conception has agreement with some theories that   have argued that this is unnatural that in real life one only gets one hearing, beyond classical format, however the ideal is not only to provide sufficient context to match that which would be available in real life but also to create motivation as predictions about what they will hear. I have found my motivation through the necessity, when I go to the mall and I face a real English speaking environmet and I am alone, I have to to my best to understand what the cashier is saying me, at the very begging it was frustraiting, as I couldn´t understand, by these t

Cultural Shock

"Your enthusiasm will be infectious, stimulating and attractive to others, they will love for it. They will go for you and with you". Since the very first time I knew I was accepted to to summer curse in Arkansas I was so I exited, I said to my principal and all of my coworkers, this is an opportunity to improve my English skills and learn a lot. During this time  I realized that culture is a way of life where learners have to be involved to acquire it, and the experience provide this element, living in Arkansas  has been an experience where I could learn about, how why people in the United States live and realized that learning is not only assist to school, involves interactions with people outside your everyday environment, your customs and thoughts. The Cultural experience consist of four interconnected learning interactions which are knowing about, how, why and oneself, individual learners need to understand themselves and their own culture as means to comprehen

Reading and the power of storytelling

Reading and the power of storytelling I used to think that reading was quite difficult to develop in  Elementary school classes where students are not use to do it or find reading difficult. One of the task in the week was to develop an activity on reading in which you have to read a book and create an activity focus on the pre, while and post. It was very interesting to find out how creative my colleges are, we were working in groups of three, Yared, who was one of my team, presented a poem, first she showed us some flashcards to elicit vocabulary, then she ask us to read the first verse, she divided the team in two groups A and B, A has to read the fisrt line and B the second line, we have to guess which character belogs that verse; finally we have to create our own verse but it has to rhyme and be realed with the poem. My activity for example was focus on hypotetical situations, I asked the team to look at the portarait of the book (a mom with a new born baby) and shar

Reflection on new learning strategies might help in my classes

Learning Strategies The purpose to apply for this schoolarship was to learn new strategies and activities to apply in my classroom, and I must admit that I have a lot of expectations. During these days I have a poster galery,in this activity students work in groups and create a poster according to a previous reading, or a topic seen in class, students will write the main ideas, contrast, drawing, and expose their ideas and comments to the rest of the class. In this activity the four skills (listening, reading, writing, use of English) are used. Time flies while you are participating on it. I have seen that the poster gallery develops speaking skills, morever the writing and reading, I will say that is a multiple skill activity, and a student centered one. Time flies when you are performing the activity, you not only have to create your poster, but also, you have to explain what it referes to, the students learn by doing, by explaining, by asking and  answering questions.

TESOL Methods

This is my first journal, I have to admit that I am not a good writter but, I am going to do my best. In this one; my reflection is oriented to the TESOL methods, which are:grammar translation, the direct method, audiolingual, suggestopedia, silent way, total physical response, and the communicative language teaching, we have analized the basis of each of them and discuss about the pros and cons. In my personal point of view a teacher have not to focus on one method, the mixure of them is the best way to develop student´s accuracy in L2; nevertheless teachers have to keep in mind the language level of the student to adapt lessons. I am working with children, and I have experimented that they learn best by doing, performing, repeting, following commands. In this order of ideas with be suitable to use TPR, Audiolingual and Direct method, however I must confess that during the praxis, I often use L1 (grammar translation) "to get Ss´understanding". Mathew presented us a Chinese