Reading and the power of storytelling

Reading and the power of storytelling

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I used to think that reading was quite difficult to develop in  Elementary school classes where students are not use to do it or find reading difficult. One of the task in the week was to develop an activity on reading in which you have to read a book and create an activity focus on the pre, while and post.

It was very interesting to find out how creative my colleges are, we were working in groups of three, Yared, who was one of my team, presented a poem, first she showed us some flashcards to elicit vocabulary, then she ask us to read the first verse, she divided the team in two groups A and B, A has to read the fisrt line and B the second line, we have to guess which character belogs that verse; finally we have to create our own verse but it has to rhyme and be realed with the poem.

My activity for example was focus on hypotetical situations, I asked the team to look at the portarait of the book (a mom with a new born baby) and share comments what do they think the topic will be about, then I asked them to close their eyes and imagine the scene. I started to read with pauses an entonation, I tried to emphasize the sentences, to finish with the story they have to create a monologue using the phrase "On the they you were born" (which was the title of my book). It was fun to hear the cosy words they will say to a new born baby.

Working in small groups is an excellent way to develop activities before teaching in a whole group, teachers will check if the activities are succesful as they plan or not at all, which activities will be included and if the main objective was accomplished, for example I realize I have to activate more reading  student´sparticipation, not only me reading. It is a great opportunity to improve in our teaching practice


  1. Now I understand your enjoyment of this technique and of storytelling in general. We love stories, don't we.

    I also wonder... You mention here how much you like small group work. Do you think you might be able to find a way to have your Ss work in small groups more?


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