Reflection on new learning strategies might help in my classes

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Learning Strategies

The purpose to apply for this schoolarship was to learn new strategies and activities to apply in my classroom, and I must admit that I have a lot of expectations. During these days I have a poster galery,in this activity students work in groups and create a poster according to a previous reading, or a topic seen in class, students will write the main ideas, contrast, drawing, and expose their ideas and comments to the rest of the class. In this activity the four skills (listening, reading, writing, use of English) are used. Time flies while you are participating on it.

I have seen that the poster gallery develops speaking skills, morever the writing and reading, I will say that is a multiple skill activity, and a student centered one. Time flies when you are performing the activity, you not only have to create your poster, but also, you have to explain what it referes to, the students learn by doing, by explaining, by asking and  answering questions.


  1. This was written some time ago, but I hope that you now see that those expectations you had were indeed met by much more than just the Gallery Walk!


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